Good Friday: The Tale of Two Thieves

(note: I have NO idea why Blogger is putting this huge whitespace between the video and the text ... scroll down to read and meditate on the words!)

1. Come, ye, all tribes of this-world
Hearken to wha-t transpi-res
Between yond-r robbe-rs two
Truly listen – and wi-tness

2. Cross of the Lo-rd at cen-ter
Like a judge un-corru-pted
And like a ba-lance trus-ted
Conversation – weighed in – truth

3. Said to the Lord, one ro-bber
Remember me – on tha-t day
When you come in – Thy kingdom
Let me see, Lord, Thy me-rcy

4. That robber on – left ha-nd side
When he heard th-is, bespa-ke thus
“If this man we-re truly – king
How come He’s u-p on the Cross”

5. Thy love do I – prize m-y friend
By the Cross we – are se-vered
Sinless blood o-f this One – has
Granted me li-fe and co-urage

6. Don’t you see tha-t like u-s two
He too is bou-nd by tho-se nails?
If He can gi-ve us king-dom
Come out He no-w, we tru-st Him

7. I shall ent-er Para-dise
Word of the Lo-rd is m-y key
Accuse Him no-t, you a-re wrong
Try not ye to – misgui-de me

8. Crucified li-ke one o-f us
Tortured much mo-re than we – two
If He is king – may He – be
Saved anon b-y His a-rmy

9. On earth He ha-ngs on a-tree
His fierythro-ne in hea-ven
Nature, her Lo-rd, recei-veth
Shudders at cru-cifi-xion

10. Look at Him Thou – exto-lleth
See those lashe-s on Hi-s back
Thou glorify-eth Him – but
Who will take you – at Th-y word

11. From damnation – He se-t free
Adam; by His – crown of thorns
Messiah re – moved a-ll thorns
None but the Lo-rd could do – that

12. At His word the – Cruci – fied
May take you to – Para – dise
Can He lead you – to E – den
Which you have not eve-r seen

13. Hell is losing – by thi-s death
Rule over dea-th for e-ver
Thither He go-es to cru-sh hell
By the thunder – of hi-s call

14. He was perse-cuted mo-st
Sour drink and sta-bbing for Him
He who gets con-demned thi-s long
How can I say is a – king !

15. Lend thine ear no-w to tha-t sound
Of rocks hard bre-aking a-part
Saints of old come – back to – life
Believeth not, eve-n now ?

16. Elements and cre-atures shu-dder
See those rocks fa-lling a-part
Unmoved are you ? – leave fal-sehood
Confess and ge-t new li-fe, friend !

17. His glory you – may con-front
If only you seek for tha-t
Creatures all wit-ness fo-r Him
His Passion do-es distu-rb all

18. King, He was ca-lled, by Pilate
Through His writing – on the –cross
Since they call ou-t as wit-ness
Tell me not th-at He i-s king

19. Stands His Cross be-tween u-s two
Abyss this you – canno-t pass
Go and get thy – rightful-l place
Right hand side i-s always-s thine

20. Hell was open – by the Cro-ss
Sun was darken-ed, earth trem-bled
Temple curtain – torn a-part
All bear witne-ss to the – Lord

21. Earth and dese-rt and crea-tures
Listen! Shouti-ng and cry-ing!
Alarmed by tha-t clamou-r great
Earth is shaking - to the - core

22. Harken to tha-t shouting – friend
Of those dead co-ming from – hell
Look at Jesus - whom I – trust
He only gives – life fo-r all

23. That Adam ma-y recei-ve life
He died; the dea-d wait fo-r Him
He gives freedom – for A-dam
And takes me to – Para-dise

24. How come you sla-nder Je-sus
Who died out o-f His o-wn will
Lock thy mouth from – evil – talk
Glorious Cross m-y so-le refuge

25. Eden, Thy word – grante-d to
That thief who con-fessed Thee – Lord
Remember us – Lord th-at Day
When you come, we – confe-ss Thee


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